
Lessons From Oprah’s “The Life You Want” Tour

Oprah’s The Life You Want Weekend was a wondrous two-day empowering and groundbreaking event which brought many spiritual and life-changing moments to Washington, DC. As the world’s most powerful woman, and one of the most influential people of the 20th century, Oprah Winfrey left the DC audience with tears of joy and powerful memories. It is obvious that Oprah wants listeners to fulfill their greatest potential and be reminded of how truly beautiful life is.

One of TV’s favorite personalities, Oprah is the highest paid TV entertainer in the United States. Despite being born into rural poverty and raised by her grandmother in a poor urban neighborhood, Oprah built her empire, becoming a millionaire by age 32 when her show went national. She is the first black female billionaire in world history as well as the richest self-made woman in America, with a net worth of $2.9 billion. Below is the message that Oprah and Oprah’s The Life You Want tour delivered to attendees.

“When I was a kid, I knew my life was bigger than my front yard.”

Her name was supposed to be “Orpah,” but her mom misspelled it on her birth certificate. Raised by her grandmother in a home with no electricity or running water, Oprah came from humble beginnings. While washing clothes, her grandmother would say, “Oprah, you better watch this and learn, one day you will need to do this.” A little voice inside of her said, “I don’t think so.” But Oprah did not want to tell her grandma that. She felt that her life was bigger than her front yard. And that feeling brought her to where she is today.

At three years old, Oprah started speaking at the church in her small Mississippi town. “I believed Jesus was my brother and God my father,” she said to the chuckling workshop audience, “but when you believe, things have a way of turning true.” Later, she won Nashville’s Miss Fire Prevention contest. “Nobody expected me to win. Especially other contestants, beautiful white girls, who were more shocked than I was. I won because of my answers. That morning, I was watching Barbara Walters, and when they asked me what I wanted to be I said, ‘I would like to become a broadcast journalist and make people’s lives change.’ Other girls were answering that they wanted to become doctors or volleyball players. At 16, I got my big chance when I was hired to work at a radio station.”

Oprah went on to tell the audience, “I learn so much from everybody, every day! Whether talking to the president, Beyoncé, or even a victim or a killer, they all ask after their interviews, ‘Was that okay? Was it good for you? Did you see me? Did you hear what I was saying to you?’ Yes, I listened. Because of that lesson, I can talk to anybody. My stage is my platform. Your stage is your home, work, and family. It’s all about ‘did you see me?’” “Your story is as important as my story,” she said. “Only thing different is my life and thoughts are on the air.

“Create a new vision. Choose your language.”

ON VISION: “I have done pretty well in my life. You want the same thing that I want. As a human being, every one of us is looking for the same thing – we want to know we matter. So, create the highest, grandest vision for your life. Then, let every step move you in that direction.”

ON LANGUAGE: “For years you have trained yourself to say negative things to yourself. You have been loyal to the dysfunction of your mind. But simply because you were born, you are worthy. My first waking thought is ‘Thank you.’ What is the new language you will use to love yourself into a healthy mind? Make it a new language of possibility: ‘I feel energized. I have a mission. I am compassionate. I trust myself. I listen to my heart. I choose happiness. I can do this. I’m in charge of me. I am present. I’m ready. I’m making good choices. I’m connected to life. I’m blessed. I can change. I’m happy. I’m taking steps to be healthier. I’m beautiful. I’m loving my body more and more. I’m powerful. I won’t be taken for granted. My heart is open. I matter. I can do anything. I know my life has meaning.’ Speak gently to yourself.

ON THINKING: “You have power over your mind. You are the master of your mind. Your mind is not the master of you. Your thinking doesn’t get to take you over, you have power over it. You get to decide which thoughts come and go. When a negative thought comes, you can stop it and replace it with something positive.”

ON SPIRITUALITY: “I have meditation chair where I am surrounded by beautiful trees and where I can found a space that is only for me. I like being alone. Being with myself is fabulous. Seeing your thoughts and what you are doing. We are all spiritual human beings. There is no life without spiritual life.”

ON COURAGE: “The only courage you ever need is the courage to live the life of your dreams. Do the one thing you think you cannot do. Fail at it. Try again. Do better the second time. The only people who never tumble are those who never mount the high wire. This is your moment. Own it.”

ON RELATIONSHIPS: “Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down. You have no power in somebody’s territory. You have a finite amount of time and energy to create the life you want. No one can do it for you: not your husband, children, or your work.”

ON LOVE AND SECOND CHANCES: “Love does not hurt, hit, or disrespect you. When your friends let you down, you lose your job, people disappoint you, love has to work those issues out. There are always second chances. As long as you are breathing, there is another chance. The sun is coming up tomorrow. The sun is always there, just waiting for you, to see you, to recognize your second chance.”

ON MISERY: “Whatever you are doing right now that you don’t want to be doing, use it as information. Use it as fuel to get you to where you want to go. Change the paradigm and energy from ‘it’s a struggle’ to using it as a launching pad. The more miserable you are, the better, because the misery is there to tell you, ‘You are in the wrong spot. You need to change.’ In order to have the life you want, you have to fill your own cup and give yourself the love you are willing to give away so freely to others.”

ON GRATITUDE: “The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate. Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough. It is really easy to blame somebody. We need to stop that.

“Your being here matters, on the planet.”

We need to make a shift, how we can be grateful instead of complaining. Good shower pressure, a safe flight, having clean sheets on my bed – everything is beautiful. Life is beautiful. I am here, I am breathing. I am alright. How amazing that life has given you this life. Think about it! I can have a network in my name. How and who would have believed that a small-town Mississippi black girl would get here?

I know you are frustrated, stuck, stalled, scared, tired, or disappointed. You get another chance as to how you walk through life. Doesn’t matter whether your friend let you down or you are not as pretty, as smart, or just not good enough. Whatever is happening to you is happening for you. Let this life you want help you to write a new story created for you to make that shift, and live the life you born to live. Most importantly, your being here matters, on the planet. God is ready to move you in another direction. Get ready to get your power. Together – we rise!”